I will never forget visiting Dan in the hospital. He asked me to lead a few worship songs at his bedside. As I strummed my guitar, it soon became clear to everyone in the room that he was the worship leader; we were all just following him. Pancreatic cancer had ravaged his body, but his spirit was stronger than ever. As he lifted his emaciated arms heavenward, his unshakeable trust was humbling, the peace on his face, overwhelming.

Matthew 6:19-21 says, Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven … for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

At his memorial service a month later, his two grown sons spoke with deep respect about their father’s wholehearted devotion to God. They recalled how he could be found pouring over the Bible in the early hours of the morning. He would talk about the Bible over breakfast and often encouraged the people he crossed paths with during his day.

The Kingdom of God was his treasure, and Dan left a lasting legacy. Since then I’ve realized that treasuring the Kingdom is a daily choice. It’s an upward battle lived over the long haul. We make choices each day that either expand or undermine the Kingdom’s growth. As we choose daily to center our lives on Kingdom priorities, we build spiritual wealth for generations to come. That’s what Dan did, and we can do it too.

Take a few minutes and list your priorities. What is really important to you?

Now, think about your typical day. How is your day divided up? Not what you wish you did, but what you actually spent time on. Then take a look back at your list of priorities. How many of them show up in your average day? Choose one or two changes you can make to have your schedule better reflect your priorities.

updated August 2019