I love a good story. I try to tell one whenever I can. The problem is that I live in Fort Worth Texas, and people say we talk funny. There are simple rules to telling the story right. In Texas, you don’t say “you all,” you say “y’all,” which means “you all.” Unless it’s a lot of y’all then it’s “all y’all,” which means “all of you all.” If you can understand this you can understand any story someone from Texas is telling.

Similarly, in the Bible there is an important premise. Jesus loves all y’all and there is nothing you can do about it. If you understand this then you are on your way to understanding the story of Jesus’ life. He had so many great stories from feeding 5000 people, to raising folks from the dead, to even walking on water. His best story was when He died and rose again to save all of us. If all His stories were written down, the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. And if they were turned into movies we would be on Jesus Part 4,758,395.

How does the story of Jesus resonate with you? Do you know enough of it to tell His story effectively? God wants you to share your story with others about how Jesus came into your life to give you life in hopes that it draws them closer to Him. Tell your story, but most importantly tell His story, every chance you get.

Heavenly Father thank you for making your story simple enough for even children to share. Thank you for your wisdom and for your love. In Jesus name, Amen.

Consider This ― When was the last time you shared your story? Do you sometimes share your story and Jesus is not the main point? How can you change that?

Read Further - Does the idea of witnessing give you sweaty palms? Read Put Jesus in the Conversation.

Tags: The Gospel of John John 21
Photo Credit: Rob Bye