If you’re familiar with the American television comedy series "Seinfeld" you may recall an episode where George becomes a hand model. When asked why he was selected for the job, George explains that a hand model recruiter he bumped into told him he had exquisite hands. For the balance of the episode, George comically does all that he can to protect his precious appendages in outlandish ways, including wearing oven mitts much of the time.

That particular episode’s appeal is based on an overblown view of one part of the human body. It’s as if hands are somehow the most important feature that should be guarded against injury or disfigurement.

In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul extends the metaphor, comparing the various members of a church body to the parts of the human body. His argument is essentially that we must not fall into the trap of valuing some individuals in our churches over others. In fact, in verses 22-23 he points out that, in many ways, it is the “less honorable” parts of the human body that we treat differently, with more focused attention and care.

Maybe that is how we should view people in our congregations who do not typically get public accolades like the ones received by those in leadership roles or the “church heads”.

Do you feel like your efforts to advance God’s Kingdom go unnoticed? Have you ever wished that you had different spiritual gifts that would gain more notoriety? The Apostle Paul would tell you that your understanding of how God sees your contributions is inaccurate. He would tell you that it is precisely those gifts or contributions, which seemingly never receiving recognition, that should be treasured.

Dear Lord, help me to be grateful for the part I play in the Body of Christ. Teach me to develop the talents you have graciously given me so they can be used for the Body’s benefit and to your glory. Amen.

Go Deeper — What “body part” are you? Think about that and then ask yourself why you think God chose you to be that part. What talents and experiences have made you the way you are? Read Further — Not sure where you fit in? Here is how to find your place in the community of believers.

Tags: 1 & 2 Corinthians 1 Corinthians 12
Photo Credit: Hello I'm Nik