Happy Labor Day!

Did you ever play any “trust games”? I remember being blindfolded once and having to trust that the one leading me would not allow me to trip on an unseen hazard and break my neck. It was an anxious several minutes as that person “led” me around.

In Hebrews 11.1, the Bible defines faith as this, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Both things hoped for and things not seen imply future events, things that have not happened yet. Through faith we have assurance and conviction that God knows what the future will bring. We can be sure God is real and that he loves us. We can have confidence that he will keep his promises, since he always has, and will guide us through the obstacles that life holds, even when we cannot see them in our path.

But fear of what might happen in the future can suck the courage — and the faith — right out of us. We’re told over and over in Scripture not to fear. I have heard there are 365 references to not being afraid, one for each day of the year.

We can wholly trust Jesus while he’s leading us through the unseen hazards of life because he already knows where they are. We can be sure that no matter what happens, he has promised salvation to those who put their faith in him.

Lord, help me not to fear the unknown future. Let me remember you already know what lies ahead and will safely lead me through it. Help me banish fear and grow in faith and trust in you. Amen.

Go Deeper — Close your eyes and carefully walk around your room. No peeking. How many obstacles did you bump into? Let it remind you that God is always there to guide you even if you think you know what’s ahead, and especially when you don’t.

Read Further — If you have a desire to always be in control, this article, You Are Not In Control And That’s Okay may speak to you.

Tags: The Gospel of Mark Mark 4
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