"The solution to not losing life in living is to remember that who we are and what we see is not enough." (Amie Cross)

I read this quote recently and it was a much-needed reminder that there is more to life than this. Beyond all that’s in front of our eyes, there is more.

Today’s passage reminds us that God wants to reveal his glory to us. He wants us to have hope and see that he is at work even in the face of death itself.

Lazarus had been dead for what felt like a long while. In the eyes of his sisters, Jesus was too late. Lazarus was already rotting away. Couldn’t Jesus have come sooner and heal him? How could Jesus have let this happen?

But unless they had to wait in their sorrow, they would not have known the life-restoring power of Jesus.

In their waiting, their faith was challenged. For a moment, all hope was lost — they could not see what they were hoping for. But if we hope in what is not seen, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance. For who hopes for what he sees? Romans 8:22-25 That wouldn’t be hope at all.

I realize I need to repent of not seeing my unseen God. How heavily my perspective has been inundated with frivolous things that will eventually waste away, false hopes for stability and sustenance. How often I’ve chosen to walk by sight and not by faith.

“If you believed you would see the glory of God.” Jesus wept but he never lost hope. He knew he’d bring about a plan that no one thought was possible.

In their waiting on Jesus, their faith was tested. God demonstrated his glory to them in doing the impossible, by bringing the dead back to life. Today, Jesus isn’t around performing miracles quite like this anymore, but that’s not to say that he cannot bring about restoration in the midst of devastation, trauma and hopelessness.

The question for us is this: will we be ready to see God’s glory when it comes?

Father, open my eyes to see your glory. Ready my heart to receive your transformative power. Even in situations that seem completely impossible, I want to have faith that carries me through with hope. I never want to lose hope in you and your goodness. Thank you for caring for me in my pain and grief. You are a wonderful, merciful Savior. Help me abide in you today. Amen.

Today’s Challenge: When you come across disturbing news, painful memories or unshakable sadness, remember that even Jesus wept at the sight of Lazarus’ tomb. Remember that the Messiah is with you in your sorrow. Remember, too, that he can also showcase his glory and help you know him more deeply through that circumstance. Ask him to make you ready for when he does.

Tags: waiting on God John 11 patience