Here are some of the Bible passages that present the ideas found in the series, A Reflection on Our Fear of Death.

God’s Planned Solution to Our Rebellion

Very soon after our ancestors disobeyed, thereby joining Satan's rebellion, God promised them that one day, a son born of a woman would put an end to Satan’s domination and allow us to return to God’s kingdom.

God begins reclaiming the Earth by revealing himself first to one particular people group: the Jewish nation. In the Jewish sacred texts found in the Bible, God slowly reveals to them more and more details about his planned deliverance from evil. However, it is only when Jesus, the eternal Son of God, comes to dwell among us that we understand that plan fully.

(Read Prophecies about Jesus from the Jewish Scriptures)

Jesus Reveals the Planned Deliverance

At exactly the right moment, the Father sends us his eternal Son, Jesus, to be born of a Jewish woman (without a man’s contribution) and take on the fulness of our humanity.

Contrary to us, during his time on earth, Jesus lives in constant communication with his Father through the Spirit, obeying his directions perfectly without ever doing anything contrary to his will.

He is therefore not under the death penalty that is incurred by even a single act of rebellion against God (what the Bible calls sin).

Why Does Jesus Die on a Cross?

Jesus does not die for any wrongdoing of his; he is sinless.

Rather, as our perfect representative, he goes to the cross out of love for us to pay the penalty for our sin and purify us from it.

Perhaps an illustration might help. John the Baptist, the prophet who let the Jewish people know that Jesus, the eternal Son of God, had come into the world, said this about him: “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world (John 1.29).”

This was an allusion to the Jewish sacrificial system of the day, which allowed the sins of people to be transferred to an innocent and unblemished animal that would pay their death penalty in their place. Such animal sacrifices had to be offered continuously by priests because they were finite in scope. They pointed to the perfect sacrifice that would one day replace them, Jesus. Because he is the Lamb of God who is fully God and fully human, Jesus only had to die once to pay for all our sins — past, present, and future.

By offering himself up for us as a perfect, unblemished sacrifice, Jesus revealed aspects of God’s character that can only be displayed in response to sin: his justice, his holiness, his wrath, his love, his mercy, his grace, and his forgiveness, to name a few.

Why is His Resurrection so Important?

Jesus is the only person in human history to bodily rise to eternal life after death.

This unprecedented historical event proves that he is the Son of God, that his Father fully accepted his death as payment for our rebellion, and that Jesus can fulfill his promise to deliver us from evil and give us eternal life.

Next: What Kind of Eternal Life Does Jesus Offer Us?

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Photo Credit: Kiwihug on Unsplash