A prayer journal is a powerful reminder of your closeness to God and it greatly helps you lead a life of discipline. Recording the silent prayers you say in the confines of your heart can also help you sense the presence of the Holy Spirit and discern his voice. Whether you do it before going out in the morning or after coming back in the evening, seek to regularly document your journey with God.

Are You Ready?

Writing down your prayers every day keeps you close to God and deeply connected to an inner life of peace, abundance, love, and hope. However, you could find it difficult to persevere in your journaling journey if you do not continually trust in God’s power to do so.

Tips to Follow

Assemble the Vital Tools

A pen and a journal are essential tools; therefore, it is important to choose them well. Because you want an accurate record of your prayer journey, choose a pencil or an erasable gel pen so that you can modify your writing when needed. Also, go for a journal that meets your tastes in terms of color, design, or page numbers. If you prefer, you can also choose to begin an electronic prayer journal on your computer or other digital devices.

Choose the Best Format for You

Once you have the necessary tools, it is time to begin writing. Use entry formats that bring out your creativity and are easy to read. Do you want to include dreams, joys, songs, letters, poetry, prayers, or Scripture quotes? Think through just how comprehensive and insightful you want your journal to be.

Journal entry topics could range from an exploration of past experiences to records of your dialogues with God. Some may be a memorial to God’s faithfulness in your life, especially concerning his answers to your prayer requests. In essence, recording the dates or moments when the Creator did extraordinary things in your life will zest up your journal.

Because journaling is like writing a letter to God, you may want to start each entry with a salutation such as “Dear God,” “Dear Creator,” “Dear Heavenly Father,” and end with statements such as “Your son, James” or “Love, Rachel.”

Let it Come From the Heart

As you establish a strong bond with God through prayer, you will sometimes sense that you lack the words to perfectly describe his greatness. However, as long as what you write comes from deep within your heart, your prayer journal will help you express your innermost thoughts towards God. Let it flow.

Recording streams of random thoughts, reflections on the Lord’s Prayer, or a praise song are only some of the ways you can display honesty in a prayer journal. It is your love letter to the Lord who sits on the eternal throne, so pour out your soul on paper in whichever way you want.

Everything that God says to you during these quiet moments can lead to spiritual awakening. Therefore, consider writing down any life-changing revelations you receive day by day, making sure everything is supported by truths from God’s Word.

Write Regularly

Consistency in making prayer journal entries is an act of disciplined submission to God that allows his grace to manifest itself in your life. It is therefore important that you pick a few days a week in which you commit to writing in your journal. By persevering in this practice year by year, you will be able to carefully track your spiritual journey.

Final Thoughts

Keeping a prayer journal is a great way of growing in your love for God. And if you do it right, always seeking the Spirit’s guidance in the process, God will reveal himself more and more to you through the years. Set goals, keep your eyes, ears, and heart open, evaluate your progress, and make adjustments where necessary. Soon enough, your prayer journal will not only become an irreplaceable aid to spiritual awakening but also a vital prayer record you will want to keep for life.

Photo Credit: Aaron Burden