We all long to hear from God. We yearn to read His Word and have clear direction. Yet, today you may find yourself as I often do, struggling to grasp understanding of the simplest text, increasingly frustrated as you try to discern its meaning or its application to your situation.

I’ve often heard disgruntled Christians give this as an excuse not to read His Word. On occasion, days have gone by in which I’ve coward away from approaching His Word instead of expecting to behold wonderous truths He has promised to reveal to me. I often place conditions on understanding His word, which He hasn’t placed on them Himself. At times I incorrectly tell myself that His revealed truth isn’t for me.

That’s why the truth of today’s verse is crucial. The desire to be obedient to the Word of God is the main requirement in the ability to understanding it. Therefore, if we’re struggling with a text we can ask God to give us a heart that genuinely desires to obey. If there’s been a prolonged period in which His Word seems dull or incomprehensible due to disobedience, we can ask Him to take us back to the place of disobedience. Then we can ask for forgiveness of our disobediences and for the grace to walk according to His Word. This is a prayer He’s sure to answer because honestly God desires for us to know His Word far more than we do.

Father, may you manifest your Word to us and give us obedient hearts to understand and obey all it requires. Amen.

Going Deeper — Memorize today’s verse. Let its truth encourage you as you study to know Him through His Word.

Read Further — Are you seeking to understand God? Here are some practical ways to do that.

Tags: The Gospel of John John 14
Photo Credit: Andreas Selter