A picture is worth a thousand words. Nowhere is this more poignantly displayed than in the life of Jesus, leaving a perfect heavenly home, becoming a helpless infant, living a life where he was often misunderstood, and dying on a cross, all for the sake of love.

Jesus was God in flesh, who was in the beginning when the earth was created, and placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The same God who journeyed alongside Abraham, Moses and David, to name just a few. The God who loved, and loved, over and over again, a people who did not return that love, and then chose drastic measures to redeem everything that had gone so badly with humanity.

Why is Jesus called the Word? He was the very expression of all that God had wanted to say to his people over the years. He exemplified in living form, the entire gospel message. His life brought us the good news that it was not over yet, that God still had a plan to deal, once for all, with everything that sin had done to ruin God’s first creation.

Today, are you able to take God at his Word? Does the life of Jesus speak to you, as you consider your response to his invitation to experience all of the grace and truth of his glory? If Jesus dwells in you, you can behold his glory in all of its splendor. If his glory doesn’t dwell in you, you can pray and ask him to enter your life, so that you don’t miss out!

Father God, thank you for coming in the flesh to get your message across to all of us! Come and dwell in and among us today, so that we may experience your grace and truth. In Jesus’ name and for his sake, Amen.

Throughout this day: Take some time to meditate on what it means for you that Jesus is God’s Word made flesh. This song, Word Made Flesh

, may encourage you as you ponder this truth.

Tags: John 1 God's Word God's love
Photo Credit: Christmas on Unsplash