“But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” I John 2:1-2

Many churches observe the season of Lent for the six weeks before Easter. In the early church, it became a time of discernment and confession of sins for those wanting to be baptized. The ceremony took place on Easter in celebration of Christ’s death and resurrection. Soon, Lent became a time for all Christians to reexamine their hearts, weed out any sinful desires or thoughts, and rededicate themselves to the Risen Lord.

During Lent, some Christians abstain from something they enjoy, like chocolate or a favorite TV show. But the true purpose of this inward-turning time is to establish a good habit to replace a bad one. Christians are to look at our sins full on, remove them, and leave them at the cross.

Perhaps Lent can be viewed as a spiritual spring-cleaning. Open the blinds, shake off the dust and clean away the grime. Let the fresh air of mercy in so His light will shine into the corners of your heart again. Remove whatever has been keeping you from fully embracing His grace. Relearn how wonderful His mercy can be. Reconnect with His word. Rejoice in your salvation. If you would like to pray with someone, come talk to a coach.

Dearest Father, you sent your Son to hang on the cross and take on our sins so we can have eternal life in Your presence. Let us honestly remove those sins we carry and lay them at His feet so when Easter comes, we can truly rejoice and proclaim without any hindrances that, “The Lord is risen indeed.” Amen.

Action Step:

Is there any spiritual spring-cleaning you need to do this Lent? Honestly sweep away what may have been separating you from fully receiving Jesus’ blessings.



Tags: forgiveness