Sometimes it can be difficult to put our faith into action. I know, because I’ve been there — I work 50 hours a week, I have a couple of chronic illnesses, and life just gets crazy. But when it begins to seem too hard to put my faith into action, I realize there’s one key thing I’m missing. I’m not prepared.

Just before sharing this verse in Romans on mutual encouragement, Paul said, “I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” (Romans 1:11-12)

He recognized the importance of community with other Christians. We are meant to build each other up and help one another put our faith into action.

If we’re struggling to put our faith into action, perhaps it’s because we aren’t being intentional about spending time with other Christians who can encourage us along the way. After all, we can’t effectively pour into others unless we’ve first filled ourselves. One way we do this is by being with like-minded Christians who can fortify us and help us “run the race”(Hebrews 12:1).

So how can we put our faith into action, even with our busy lives? Most importantly, we need to first spend time with Jesus, and then with other Christians, encouraging them and letting them encourage us. Then we’ll be ready to put our faith into action out in the world.

Lord, thank you that I have fellow Christians who can encourage me. Help me to fill up on you and take advantage of their encouragement so I can put my faith into action. Amen.

Consider This: What are ways you can put your faith in action in your community? Who can you encourage, and who do you know who can encourage you?

Additional Resource: Here is an idea for you and a few other Christians to do in order to put your faith into action. Start a Neighborhood Prayer Walk.

Tags: Active Faith Prayer Romans 1 service
Photo Credit: Roman Aguila on Unsplash