In some homes, the tradition of a “wish list” is a part of Christmas preparations each year. Members of the family, especially children, make a list of a few items that they’d like to receive, in hopes that one or more might appear under the tree at Christmas.

Just imagine, however, that you were given an opportunity to ask God, the eternal, all-powerful, Maker-of-all-that-is for whatever your heart desired. If you could ask him for one thing, what would it be? This is the situation King Solomon faced in a dream one night long ago. “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Whoa!

Would he ask for riches? Long life? Unlimited power? Victory over his enemies? No, he asks for a wise and discerning heart!

The longings of the nation of Israel are similarly captured in a series of seven prayers from early centuries after the birth of Jesus Christ. These prayers or antiphons were recorded in Latin, and later translated to become the basis of the Christmas carol, O Come O Come Emmanuel. Today’s verse of the carol says:

O come, O Wisdom from on high, who orders all things mightily, to us the path of knowledge show, and teach us in her ways to go.

How we need wisdom today, and in Jesus Christ we find the source of wisdom.

With the songwriter, the poet, and the king of long ago, I find myself longing for Wisdom incarnate. What about you?

God, the voices and lights of the season can so often distract. Media plots to create “a need for more” when my deepest need is you. Today I ask for wisdom. Help me desire your wisdom, your presence above any distraction of the world. Give me a discerning heart, I pray. Amen.

Throughout This Day: Consider Proverbs 8 and 9, 1 Corinthians 1:30, and/or James 3:17, and watch for the characteristics of God’s wisdom at work around you.

Tags: The Life Devo 1 Kings 3