Every year at this time, I try to replicate the series of events leading up to Jesus' death in my mind. I imagine I'm there, on Good Friday, watching the surrealness of Christ's situation unfold.

Tell me, what is so good about Good Friday?

Each time, I weep and think, “It should be me.” As I write this, I weep. How could someone so perfect and sinless be willing to die such a horrible death for this sinner? It’s unfathomable.

Maybe he already knew that I wouldn't be able to die the death I deserved. That's a good thing. Christ took care of every detail then so that I could confess him as my Savior now and live forever.

Yet, I can embrace — as disturbing as Good Friday was — the unshakeable hope, peace, and assurance Christ meant the day to hold for all of us. As Christians, we can have joy because of Christ's extraordinary sacrifice to bring us to be with him in Heaven.

May the gravity and depth of what Christ did for us always be felt with a humble and grateful heart, and may we be open to tell others just how good Good Friday is.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the precious gift of your Son’s sacrificial death.Thank you that I can know him the way I do because I accepted him into my heart and life as my Savior. Keep me in awe of this gift. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Go Deeper — Today, take some time to find a quiet place and read about Luke, Chapter 23 about Christ’s crucifixion and/or attend a church service. Picture yourself there as an eye-witness knowing he died for you.

Read FurtherThis Sucks and Other Things Jesus Didn't Say on the Cross.

Tags: The Gospel of Luke Luke 23