What brought others to the cross? Love. Duty. Anger. Curiosity. Doubting. Mocking.

What brings you to the cross? Love? Gratitude? Duty? Anger? Doubt? Pride? Mocking?

Do you come weeping in pain, sorrow, or loss? Emptied of hopes and dreams? Feeling lost in your circumstances?

Without the cross, there would be no Garden of Easter Gladness to lift you up, to wipe away your tears, to remove your grave clothes of fear and depression. Walk that trail from the cross to Easter's Garden of resurrection. See your Savior Jesus standing there, waiting for you.

He compassionately whispers your name and says, "Do not wear the grave-clothes stained with the tears of grief. Come into my garden of beauty and I will give you the robe of Easter's resurrection gladness. Take my hand and let me lead you along the path to life everlasting. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I gave my life that you might live eternally with me."

Jesus brings us hope of resurrection as on that first Easter morn. He says, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26 NKJV)

Do you believe this? What brings you to the cross?

Father, Help me to experience the salvation and forgiveness of the cross, the power of the resurrection, and embrace the risen life in a new way this Easter season. Amen

Consider This: Is there a hurt or disappointment that you are holding on to today? Place it at the foot of the cross. Accept the balm that Jesus so freely offers. Remember, God gives second chances.

Tags: John 11 the cross Risen Lord resurrection
Photo Credit: Pascal Riben on Unsplash