The blaze of an eastern star piercing the darkness, witnessed by the Magi, or wise men, must have been a spectacular sight. To have something so big and bright leading them directly to the place where the infant king lay, is an event I wish I could have been a part of. I'd hitch a camel ride with the royal trio and, all the while, bubble with anticipation.

I mean, what on earth could be greater than beholding the birth of the prophesied Messiah? The Savior of the world, no less! Even though I would reek of camel, it wouldn't stop me from nudging closer to baby Jesus while he slept in Mary's arms and was adored by Joseph. Even better would be my fellow onlookers showing up to take part in that glorious display. I can even imagine that the animals stirring in the stable became silent.

Such a perfect night. A clear sky filled with stars, the most brilliant being the star perched over Bethlehem, announcing the arrival of a babe who would change hearts and lives for eternity. A son who transformed my life for eternity. Who arrived so long ago during a time we get excited to celebrate, Christmas!

Baby Jesus’s appearance began a span of time that brought hope to the world. A collection of moments where we could finally rest because our rescuer burst onto the scene. A little one who, as God's Word tells us, came destined to be Savior of the world. In light of my own salvation and the excitement it stirs in my soul, well, excitement doesn’t even begin to properly describe it.

So, if our focus at this time of year is on trimming the impeccable tree or buying and wrapping umpteen perfect presents, we completely miss the point! We haven’t really understood what supernatural majesty was born on this earth over two thousand years ago and the subsequent blessings of salvation.

Granted, hours spent with friends and family during the holidays are fun and joyous – an opportunity to be thankful. But in the frenzy of it all, may we steal away in our minds and hearts as we eat a meal or sing a hymn, to be overjoyed by the extraordinary nature of this sacred season. At Christmas, may we keep the one who came to set us free at the forefront of everything. Then, may we make a point of sharing the true Christmas story with others who don’t yet know him as their Savior.

Oh precious Jesus, how much I wish I could have been present in welcoming you to earth. That I could have held you, marvelling at your small size that, ultimately, brought massive blessings. Thank you for saving me and giving me a deeper appreciation for this time of year. I praise you, Jesus! Amen.

Throughout This Day: Make a point of setting aside time to reflect on the deeper meaning behind this time of year and give praise to God for bestowing on you his greatest gift, Jesus.

Tags: glory Christmas prophecy Matthew 2
Photo Credit: Ben White on Unsplash