When life throws bitter fruit at you, what do you do? You may not feel like being thankful.

“Do I have to be thankful for this? No, I don’t feel like it!” That’s how you may feel. However, you can choose not to permit that feeling to linger. Choose to do what the Word asks—give thanks.

It does not ask you and me to be thankful because we like this situation. It’s just asking us to “be thankful”.

Try this now.

Make a list of what you’re grateful for. It can just be a mind exercise.

I’m grateful I know God. I’m grateful for the people around me. I’m grateful when I’m alone. I’m grateful for every part of my body. I’m grateful I can breathe. I’m grateful I have food. I’m grateful I have a blanket. I’m grateful for where I spend my nights. I’m grateful for the sun. I’m grateful for the rain. I’m grateful for the life lessons that help me grow.

This list can be endless.

Whenever you feel you’re not enough, others are not enough, things are not enough, make a list in your mind of what you’re grateful for.

Watch how this exercise of gratitude shifts your mood to happiness.

Aren’t you happy you can choose to be thankful? And to have a cheerful mood?

Stay thankful to God your Creator and believe in his lovingkindness. God is merciful and he can change things around too.

Dear God, thank you for being my God. You are my Creator and I’m grateful for the way you’ve made me and for the purposes around it.

Throughout the Day: Use the gratitude exercise above to help you stay in a good mood. Be thankful for the sunshine and be thankful for the rain of life.

Tags: Daily Devotional Ephesians 5
Photo Credit: Documerica on Unsplash