I recently had the opportunity to experience “extreme waiting.” For anyone who has had to phone a 1-800 number, perhaps you will identify with what I went through in trying to change the date on a return flight.

There is always repetitive music to soothe the anxious heart. I found this prerecorded message (which was played over and over again) very interesting as a comparison to waiting on God in prayer:

“All agents are still assisting other callers. Your call is very important to us. Please remain on the line for the next available agent.”

While waiting for an actual person to answer, I found myself questioning whether someone would actually come to help me with my problem. I also wondered whether someone really did care. Was my call really important? I was tempted to give up, but would continue to wait, hoping that I would actually hear a human voice if I just persisted a little longer.

After spending over 5 hours over 3 days, I did get through and was able to change my ticket. I have heard of others who waited a lot more hours than I did. For me, the key was to phone in at the beginning of the day. This makes me think of another verse David penned in Psalm 5:3:

“In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”

Aren’t you glad that when we call out to God, we know that he will answer? He DOES care! We are important to him! We do not have to “wait for the next available agent”!

Father God, I confess my unbelief. I sometimes doubt that you will really answer me. Teach me to hope in you and to pray with confidence. Amen.

Throughout This Day: Waiting is the hard part. David was really hurting when he wrote this prayer. Can you identify with him? Pour out your heart to your heavenly father, affirming as David did, “You will answer.”

Song of Reflection: "Wait On You" by Elevation Worship & Maverick City When relevant, we’ll include a song that can help you reflect further on today’s subject. If you have song recommendations that are relevant to today’s passage or devotional, feel free to send them to us!

Tags: Daily Devotional Psalm 38
Photo Credit: Anastasiia Krutota on Unsplash