When you think about Calvary, what thoughts spring to mind? It must have been a sobering day, with the atmosphere around Golgotha charged. Like a sheep for the slaughter Jesus was led. Walking to his place of sacrifice, the weight of the cross he bore was only a foretaste of the weight of our sins he chose to bear. On one side, religious leaders demanded Jesus' blood and his execution. On the other side, Jesus' mother, numerous grief-stricken women (Luke 23:27), and his followers stood at a distance, grieving. The man who was once among them, performing miracles and driving demons away, now hung on the cross.

Jesus, an innocent man, was treated like a murderer. Was the notice attached on his cross intended to mock him? Was it intended to justify the crucifixion? Regardless, it is worth emphasizing that it appropriately portrayed Jesus' identity as King of the Jews.

Jesus acted out of pure love. There has never been a more selfless gesture of love than what happened at Calvary. Jesus paid the price; it was unspeakably cruel, the cruelest act if we were to think about it, but Jesus chose to die in our place. He suffered whippings, scorn, mockery, a crown of thorns, nails piercing his arms, and a ripped wound in his side, with the aim of reconciling us to the Father.

This story does not finish in death, for death did not silence Jesus. He died as King of the Jews, but he rose as the world's Saviour and will return as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Halleluyah!

Thank you Jesus for your selfless act of dying on the cross to atone for everyone's sins, including mine. You died so that I could live. Help me to live out my faith in my daily interactions with you and others. Amen

Throughout this day: As you reflect on the Easter season, do not be contented with just knowing about Jesus; instead, get to know him as your personal Lord and Savior. Choose today to accept his finished work on the cross and be a partaker of his heavenly reward.

Tags: John 19
Photo Credit: Carlos N. Cuatzo Meza