When the Israelites left Egypt for a better land, they didn’t know how long it would take to get there. Under God’s direction, Moses led that nation from slavery toward a new land of freedom. They travelled through the wilderness with their belongings, doing their cooking, washing, and in general, doing life in the scorching heat of the desert. Trusting God was inevitable. How else would they know where to go and what’s next?

God didn’t prevent them from going through the wilderness, He took them through it. During those 40 years, their clothes didn’t wear out. Their feet didn’t swell up and their sandals stayed in good condition. It took the Israelites 40 years to reach their destination.

Like the Israelites, we face challenges but we have the name of Jesus to present before God. Even when we’re not sure about ourselves, having confidence in God’s power honors Him. When we trust, that’s when we can rest in His love while God is at work through us. It takes courage to rest in God every day when we can’t figure things out. How can we do that?

Trust that God is good and wise enough. Expect that something good will happen. Work at believing God by reflecting on His words. Stand on His words. Give thanks that He is your provider. Speak positive words that align with His promises. When you’re tired, remember that Jesus has completed His work. Rest in God. Keep trusting Him.

Heavenly Father I ask you to forgive me for any unbelief. Strengthen my faith so I can see your mighty hands at work upon my life, in Jesus’ name I ask. Amen.

Go Deeper — Is there any area of your life where you need to see results? Read Matthew 11:28. Reflect on that throughout the day, then rest as you trust that God goes with you and will guide you through it.

Tags: Active Faith Hebrews 4
Photo Credit: Everton Vla