When my son flies home from Nashville to Pennsylvania, he typically jams all his belongings into a carry-on. He wants to avoid the hassle of the baggage claim process. His years of flying have taught him the importance of “traveling light.”

Jesus, in sending out the seventy-two disciples, warned them to “travel light.” Evidently, carrying excess baggage would doom their mission. But Jesus also told them to leave behind some other kind of “baggage” when dealing with the people’s response to their message.

Jesus told the disciples they were to dust their feet and move on when they encountered towns that did not welcome them. He knew rejection of the gospel was inevitable and he didn’t want them to be hindered by feelings of resentment.

The same applies to us. If our “bags” are weighed down with attitudes of insecurity, we’ll have a hard time facing rejection. The heaviness of negative responses will add unwanted weight to our luggage. Instead of dusting our feet we will more likely sink in the mud.

On the other hand, what if we meet success and “even the demons submit to us?” (Luke 10:17. Pride in our accomplishments — no matter how noble — can turn into bulky garments of self-righteousness. That’s way too heavy for travels that advance God’s kingdom.

So what does your suitcase look like these days? Do you have some excess baggage you want to discard at the security gate?

Thank you, Father, that your burden is light. Please help us get rid of anything hindering us from the freedom you call us to in advancing your kingdom. May we not let resentment or pride crowd you out of our hearts. Amen.

Go Deeper — Stop and pray about any emotional baggage you are carrying into your day today. What do you need to leave behind?

Read Further — Sometimes we all need to repack our attitudes. Here is a way to zip up the bag and not Leave The Door Open to negativity.

Tags: Our Life Journey Luke 10
Photo Credit: Yeo Khee