I heard someone say recently that when babies are born they look more like their fathers. That way the dads want to bond with them. Mothers will typically bond with their newborns naturally while dads sometimes need encouragement. Whether or not that “fact” is simply an urban legend or contains truth, the reality is, kids often increasingly look more like one parent as time progresses and as their physical features develop. They are made in their parent’s image.

Is that true of you as a follower of Christ? Are you increasingly looking more like your Heavenly Father? Are your speech and actions more and more indicative of someone who loves God and wants to be like Him?

That kind of spiritual growth can only take place by being in tune with the Holy Spirit. As we spend time with other Christians, study God’s word, and communicate with God in prayer, we find ourselves being drawn by the Spirit to recognize the wonder of a relationship with Him. We begin to grow to be more like our Father.

The odd thing about spiritual maturity that sets it apart from physical growth is that it is a choice. The old saying that “You can’t choose your parents” is true, just as you can’t choose which parent you more closely resemble. But you can choose to look more like God each day. Your spiritual development is up to you!

Dear Father in Heaven, I want to grow up to be more like you. When people see me, I want them to recognize that I come from you. Help me to spiritually develop into your image day by day. Amen.

Go Deeper — Genesis 9:6 says, for in the image of God has God made mankind. What does that mean to you? How can you specifically reflect more of God’s image today?

Read Further — Do you struggle with seeing yourself in God’s image? Many of us do. This article may help you see yourself as God sees you.

Tags: Life in the Spirit 2 Corinthians 3
Photo Credit: Helena Lopes