Discouragement has a way of paralyzing us. It makes us think things will never change. Caving in to it is sometimes a way of declaring to God — the God who made the whole universe, by the way — You’re not big enough, powerful enough, or compassionate enough to handle my problems in the best way possible.

Believing isn’t something that magically happens. In fact, it’s God-given work. It takes a lot more effort to believe than it does to give up. But most things that are worth pursuing require effort. So why should “believing” be any different?

Maybe we need a “belief check.” Maybe we need to go back to the basics and remember who God is and what he’s done in the past.

Over the years, the Lord has taught me — and still teaches me — how to do the hard work of believing. Through disappointments, he provides “belief checks” to reveal my faulty perception of who he is and to remind me that the founder of my faith never wavers. As I see him more clearly, I no longer find it easier to be depressed than to trust. My “paralysis” disappears, and I discover the kind of victory that overcomes the world.

In Hamlet’s depression, he asked whether he should live or end it all: “To be or not to be…” I would like to suggest a different perspective.

To “believe or not to believe…” that is the question. I choose the work of believing, and I hope you do too.

Lord Jesus, help us have belief checks when we experience discouragement. May we reaffirm our faith in who you are, in your great power and love toward us. Help us do the hard work of believing.

Throughout This Day: Feed your faith with Scriptures reminding you about God’s never-ending faithfulness.

Editor's note: In this devotional, we encourage you to reaffirm your trust in God and in his Word whatever your emotional state might be. We are not suggesting that this is the only necessary step in all situations. We encourage anyone going through depression, anxiety or other health issues to consult a medical professional to receive any medical testing or treatment necessary. Also, please know that if you feel unable to go to God or trust him at the moment, we offer a free and confidential mentoring service you can access to ask for prayer or emotional support during these difficult moments. To ask for a mentor, simply fill in the form below.

Tags: Daily Devotional John 6
Photo Credit: Aaron Lee on Unsplash