I once saw a ventriloquist perform a skit with no dummy. He used only his hand which he named “Handy.” Eyes were attached to his knuckles, his fingers served as Handy’s nose, and the thumb his jaw.

The dialogue went something like this:

Handy: “Sometimes I feel so worthless, so insignificant.”

Ventriloquist: “Why Handy?”

Handy: ”Because I’m not strong like your legs, or smart like your brain.”

Ventriloquist: “I see. You know, my legs were made to carry the weight of my body, but my legs can’t play piano, or hold a pen, or throw a ball, like you can.”

Handy: ”Well, okay, but I can’t think for myself either.”

Ventriloquist: “Think? You don’t need to think. That’s the brain’s job. But my brain, on its own, can’t tie fishing line or paint a picture. For that, I need you!”

Handy: “Even if I have dirt under my nails, or get arthritis?”

Ventriloquist: “Yes, even then.”

Handy: “I guess I am special after all.”

The entertainer went on to explain Paul’s observations in 1 Corinthians 12 — that the foot can’t say because it is not a foot, it’s not a part of the body, nor the ear complain that because it is not an eye, it suffers. Rather, the humble parts are indispensable. Elsewhere (4:15) Paul reminds us that Christ oversees the church, bringing it together as the head. In Him each part functions together, coordinates, supports one another, depends on each other, and compensates for weaknesses or inabilities.

Dear God, thank you for making me "me." While I feel insignificant or weak or ungifted at times, thank you for the image of the body working together, each part relying on the others. Help me see where I fit in, and may I not shy away from supporting others, or reaching out for help, as I submit to Christ our head. Amen.

Go Deeper — Do you sometimes feel like “Handy”? Realize that, as a believer, you are an important part of Christ’s body. Think about what niche you fill and what makes you indispensable.

Check out our 7-article series on being in community: Church Matters!

Tags: The Body 1 Corinthians 12