I am a warrior. I know I am because my friends and family tell me so. Moreover, God used Paul’s writings to impress this on my heart.

I remember the day I was told I had cancer. I remember the weather, the traffic, and the look on the doctor’s face. I remember driving home with my husband, saying, “People don’t die from ovarian cancer.” (Fact check, 50% do). I remember telling my manager at work, a physician, who knew what every word coming out of my mouth meant. I remember the vivid fear. My fear was a scarlet red, coloring every moment.

Jesus’ blood is a brilliant red, and it can color all our moments. Color that washes fear. Paul wrote repeatedly about our warrior status. He “fought the good fight” for Christ (2 Timothy 4:7).

Our faith compels us to also fight the good fight. Despite our fear, our hesitation, and our anxieties, we can pick up the strongest weapon we have, and we can fight like a warrior. Through God and for God, we fight. In our faith, we fight, remembering the battle’s outcome has already been won by Jesus Christ.

You are a warrior. What battle do you need to go into remembering that your weapon is faith? Does your weaponry need an update?

God Almighty, thank you for elevating me to warrior status. As I fight, I wear your armor proudly. Please help me remember in the face of every battle, my weapon is that of faith and with that faith I can demolish even the strongholds within me. Amen.

Go Deeper — You use prayer and Bible study as part of your arsenal to battle this life. Read over these phrases about battles in the Book of Psalms.

Read Further— Here is an article that explains How to Access God’s Power. Free, online mentors are available to talk with you about this topic.

Tags: 1 & 2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians 10
Photo Credit: Danielle MacInnis