Joshua became Moses’s assistant, but was probably unnoticed by most people at the time. Moses needed time to focus on what God was asking him to be and to do. I wonder how Joshua helped him.

Maybe Joshua carried Moses’ bag containing his necessities? And maybe he carried his coat? And he encouraged him? On the way to the mountain, if the bush was too thick, maybe Joshua had to cut some branches to clear Moses’s path?

Regardless of what Joshua did alongside Moses, he helped to ease him into answering God’s call on his life. That’s humility.

Today’s passage says that Joshua got to be in God’s presence while he was speaking to Moses, the man God had called to lead his people.

After the Lord spoke to Moses in the tent, he returned to the camp, but Joshua, his young assistant, did not leave the tent.

What a golden opportunity for Joshua to get to stay in God’s presence! We don’t know if God asked Moses to let Joshua stay there. Or whether Joshua was so much in awe of God that he chose to stay and worship.

In any case God was allowing Joshua to prepare his heart and his ways for his future service.

Joshua honored God through humble service and choosing to spend time in focused fellowship with him. And later, God would announce that he was calling him to lead his people across the Jordan River to enter the promised land. (Joshua 1:1-5)

The longer someone stays in God’s presence, the easier it becomes to hear his voice.

Father, please give me both the desire and the discipline to spend extended time in your presence. I want to know you so well and be ready for your future assignments for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Today's Challenge: When the door of access to greater responsibilities or leadership seems to be too challenging, ponder Joshua’s life and let it encourage you to get to know God better and wait for his timing.

Tags: waiting on God Exodus 33