The above verse is part of an amazing account of an effective ambush that defeated the children of Israel’s enemy. Let me take you there with some thoughts from that scene.

Joshua sent 30,000 men to lie in ambush behind the city of Ai. The men stayed alert and watched for Joshua’s signal to act. The enemy had no clue about this secret- weapon - the hidden fighters. You might want to read Joshua 8 to get the full account.

Like Joshua’s ambush, united intercession is a hidden weapon against the enemy of our souls. Satan does not know its source, because he cannot read minds, nor is he everywhere at once.

I like to picture it this way. When I have a specific urgent prayer need, I ask several of my friends from different areas. We decide on a time to pray. Our concert of prayer is specifically targeted, as we stand in one accord in the spirit realm.

Intercession is a secret weapon of the church, the body of Christ. We are God’s special armed forces, his ambush-warriors that stand in the gap for those in need.

Father, thank you for the privilege of standing in the gap for others. Thank you, Lord, that you are always present. You know our thoughts before we think them. You know the words on our tongues before we speak them. In your wisdom, you have marshaled your people to be an effective ambush to defeat the evil plots of the enemy.

Throughout this day: Make time with God and ask him how he wants you to better wield the hidden weapon of united intercession. Is there someone, or more than one person, with whom you should initiate praying in unity for specific concerns?

Tags: Joshua Prayer
Photo Credit: Djalma Paiva Armelin