The friend I was talking to said it easily and casually in the midst of our conversation: “I’ve found a pathway to prayer.” As he elaborated I realized that I had just been handed a gem, a beautiful piece of wisdom that needs to be shared.

He said, “Let worship and scripture be preparation for prayer.”

So often we just dive into prayer, giving God our shopping list of requests and then running off again to our busyness.

Oh yes, we are called to come boldly into His throne room to find mercy and grace in our times of need. There's no question that the door is open (Hebrews 4:16). Yet when we want to feel the refreshing of His Spirit, hear the whisper of His word penetrating our hearts with truth, and receive His wisdom and insight in particular situations, this pathway will get us there.

Saturate your heart with praise music. Let the words of the songs become your own offering of worship. Linger over His word, asking the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your heart. Then pray. Your sense of peace and trust will grow as you offer your prayers to God, making this pathway a priority. Quick SOS prayers are heard by God, yes, but would we need those SOS calls less if we took the time to walk the pathway first?

Father God, help me to fully trust you and to recalibrate my prayer times with you. Give me the desire to carve out time to let worship refresh my soul, to let your word speak to my heart. As I draw near with my requests, help me to let your peace and your presence fill me and spill out to those around me. Thank you that I can call out to you anytime. Yet please help me not to neglect the feast you provide when I intentionally walk this pathway into your throne room. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Go deeper — this week focus on starting your prayer time with praise and scripture.

Tags: worship Colossians 3