Have you ever been to Egypt? It is a beautiful place where tourists visit its pyramids and other ancient wonders year round. Even the Sahara desert which covers most of the country has its appeal and is home to millions of people.

God’s chosen people spent time in Egypt (about 40 years)! Perhaps you know the story of how they suffered as slaves, day after day, in the relentless heat. Many died at the hands of their cruel masters, waiting for someone to deliver them.

For those of us who live in freedom, it is hard to imagine what bondage was like. To be “owned as property” by an evil master seems like the worst fate that anyone could have.

Interestingly, Egypt still has a poor track record when it comes to human rights, according to an international non-governmental organization, Amnesty International.

Human bondage is terrible. Spiritual bondage is another terrible slavery. I would even propose that modern day slavery — overscheduling, overworking and people pleasing is equally devastating to the human spirit.

We all need someone to save us from the slavery, whether political, societal or spiritual, that oppresses us! For the Jews in Egypt, it was the Lord God who freed them, through his human instrument, Moses. For the rest of us, The Lord God has also freed us from our “Egypt” through Jesus’ death on the cross!

Lord God, thank you that your mighty hand delivered the slaves in Egypt and is still delivering people! Set me free from my land of slavery, and don’t let me go back. Amen.

Today's Challenge: Through the toughest times in their trek to the Promised Land, the Israelites would have gone back into slavery in Egypt. We also have that same temptation, to return to our Egypt. Paul addresses this in Romans 6:16, Galatians 4:9 and Titus 3:3. Take time to meditate on these 3 verses, asking yourself where you might be living in slavery today.

Tags: Exodus 20 Moses Galatians 4 Titus 3
Photo Credit: Fabrizio Verrecchia on Unsplash