“Any prayer requests?” Your heart is beating loudly. You can feel your cheeks flush. You have something on your mind to share, but... it’s really no big deal. The people at the prayer meeting may think you’re anxious for no good reason. So, you stay silent, figuring that both the pray-ers and Jesus Himself shouldn’t need to be bothered by such a small and petty worry.

Sound familiar? I’ve experienced this many times, thinking somehow Jesus doesn’t and shouldn’t care about the insignificant details of my life.

Except that’s the thing. He does care. In today’s passage, we read about Jesus’ first miracle, turning water into wine. In the grand scheme of things, running out of wine at a wedding may be considered an insignificant detail. But Jesus’ mother Mary, in a moment of panic, brought this social faux pas to His attention.

Because it was important to Mary — running out of wine would forever bring shame and infamy to the newlyweds and their families — it became important to Him. Jesus recognized and responded to Mary’s pleas. In fact, He performed a miracle!

Nothing is too insignificant, too trivial, or too ordinary to bring before Jesus. It’s time to stop holding back your worries, big or small, and ask Him to move in your situation. Because who knows? He may even surprise you with a miracle.

Jesus, thank you that I can bring all my worries, big and small, at your feet. Help me to depend on you and trust that you are listening, and that you care about every detail of my life. Amen.

Throughout This Day — What is something small that you’re worried about today? Call or text a friend and ask them to pray for you.

Tags: The Gospel of John John 2
Photo Credit: Jesse Belleque