Many of us live a rush hour existence: running here, there and everywhere, never quite catching up to our to-do list, seldom taking time to slow down and reflect. We get so used to the frenetic that when silence does come, we grab whatever device is within reach and fill it with screen time.

Underneath the surface, there are a myriad of emotions, dreams, and disappointments waiting to be heard and understood. But we often choose to stay busy and entertained instead of listening to what our hearts are saying. As a result, we miss out on taking our hearts to Jesus with vulnerability and trust. We stay stagnant spiritually.

We have a lot to learn from King David. “What so distinguished David was that he took a broad spectrum of emotion straight into his relationship with God. … His emotions showed in tears, shouting, singing, and even intense dancing" — Gail Ruth.

David dared to look at His own heart and tell God about it; once He got things off His chest, he was filled with hope again. He believed His heart was safest in the hands of God. Do you?

Will you get off the highway, find a rest stop, get back in touch with your heart and tell God exactly how you feel? That’s not flaky spirituality; it’s having a real and authentic relationship with your Heavenly Father. It’s being an emotionally secure man or woman instead of an emotionally detached media zombie (I’m talking to myself here, too, of course).

Lord Jesus, I know you are often speaking to me. I'm just not a very good listener. Lord, I choose today, and for this week, to create space to be still and to hear from your heart. I don't want to miss the good things you have in store for me. Amen.

Go Deeper — Start a fast from media one day a week. Decide what works for you. Maybe cell-less Sundays, No-TV Tuesdays, or web-less Wednesdays. Then welcome the silence, listen to your heart and tell God how you feel. Then listen to Him share His heart with you.

Related Reading: Is Digital Addiction Stunting Your Spiritual Growth?

Tags: Psalms Psalm 18