Why is it that tragedy seems to always bring people together? The date 9-11 will be etched on the brains of people in the United States for a very long time. It was a day of shock and tragedy. But September 12, 2001 was described by the then president of the United States as one of the "best days" in our history. People joined together, wept together, and took action to share comfort and help.

A similar thing happens after natural disasters and other great tragedies. Community becomes essential in times of tragedy and, there, beauty can be found in the brokenness.

The late Mr. Rogers, who ran a children's program for decades on public television, asked his mother “why” during one national tragedy when he was a child. She said to always look for the faithful during these times, and signs of God’s goodness.

It is wonderful for believers to become God’s hands and feet, ministering to others in times of sorrow, confusion, and turmoil. But, shouldn’t we Christians provide grace and mercy in good times as well as the bad ones? Should we not always be ready to say, “Here I am, Lord. Send me?” (Isaiah 6:8) If we did, then every day might be a best day.

Father in Heaven, may we, here on earth, always be ready to point others to you by being the example of your goodness. Let us not be slack in showing your faithful love to others around us in good times and bad. Help us to make each day we live for you the best day. Through Jesus, our Lord, amen.

Consider This: Pray about how you can serve God through serving others in your community. Pray about training to be one of our volunteer online mentors, choosing how many messages you want each week, to help others get through the issues they face in their lives.

Tags: community Active Faith 1 Peter 4 service
Photo Credit: Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash