“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27

I don’t like to think about the bad things going on in the world.

When I hear news anchors discussing conflicts in the Middle East, I flip the channel. When I see someone holding up a sign, “Homeless. Hungry. Anything helps,” I avoid eye contact. I scroll past yet another blog post discussing racism. I spend money on new shoes rather than on helping others. I’d much rather be entertained than be confronted by the pain of this world.

Yet I profess Jesus as Lord. I have given Him my life, and I say I follow Him. But how can I say I’m His disciple if I choose to avert my eyes from seeing the pain of my neighbor?

If I stop and listen, I hear the sound of God’s heart breaking. Oppression is all around us, but He wants to make it right. And He wants to use me — us — to do it.

We have the opportunity to be part of God’s plan. We can share His message of love and salvation, and look after the poor in their distress. Not because it’s just another item to check off on our righteousness list, but because our hearts break for that which breaks His.

Dear God, thank You for being a God who loves justice. Give us the eyes to see when things aren’t right in the world. May our hearts break when Yours does. Give us the will to acknowledge oppression, and the backbone to do something about it. We love You, Father. Thank You for allowing us to be Your agents of justice here on earth. Amen.

Take Action

Have you been ignoring injustice lately? Ask God to show You what breaks His heart, and what you can do about it. Maybe it means standing up for someone who is being bullied at work, or volunteering once a week at a local non-profit. Whatever it is, make a commitment to stop ignoring the pain in this world, and do one simple act this week.

Further reading: The Risk in Abundant Living