Caleb has always been an inspiration to me! When Moses sent the 12 spies into the promised land to scout it back in Numbers 13, it was only Joshua and Caleb who were willing to take God at his word and trust him to give them victory in this new place (Numbers 14:7).

As a result, God makes a promise to Caleb in Numbers 14:24 and says, “… because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.” Forty-five years later and after many difficult years full of hardship and battles, Caleb has not forgotten that promise of God.

There he is, 85 years old, and he is still following the Lord wholeheartedly! What an example for me to follow! He knew what God had said and he believed that he would see it to completion. Regardless of the adversity and conflict he had seen in the 45 years in between these passages, his unwavering trust in the promise of God had not changed.

In our lives, we often find ourselves doubting what God has said in his word when the situation we find ourselves in seems to contradict the promises he has given. But like Caleb, we need to remind ourselves that God hasn’t changed, and neither has his Word. As Ney Bailey says in her book, Faith is Not a Feeling, ‘Faith is taking God at His word.’

What are you choosing to believe today? Are you trusting in your feelings? Looking at your circumstances and forgetting what God has promised? Or are you like Caleb, following God wholeheartedly and taking him at his word? The choice is yours to make!

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you that your promises never change and that regardless of what I am facing in my life today, those promises are still true. Help me to daily remember to take you at your word and believe that above all else. Amen

Throughout this Day: Every day we face challenges and situations that make us question what God has said in his word. When that happens today, remind yourself of his promises, write them out if need be, and believe them above all else.

Tags: Faith Joshua 14 Numbers 14
Photo Credit: Y Peyankov on Unsplash