“If you do this and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied.”  Exodus 18:23

Exodus 18 is a well-known chapter modelling leadership.  Moses was burning out – he sent his family back to his father- in-law. He couldn’t deal with them anymore!

Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, was a wise man and marched the family back to Moses. Jethro noted that Moses was doing everything: making all the decisions, growing wiser and more experienced while all the Israelites were standing around – bored and frustrated and not learning how to think for themselves or make godly decisions.

Jethro confronted Moses and taught him a very important lesson. If Moses delegated responsibility and taught people how to make decisions, he would only have to deal with difficult cases. Jethro reiterates, “you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied.” 

What is the lesson? The LORD uses our service in leading others to teach us how to walk with Him.  He uses life challenges to shape our character, sharpen our skills, and teach us so we can handle greater levels of responsibility and teach others to do the same. 

As a leader, may the LORD empower you to help equip others to overcome challenges, make decisions, and to walk with Him. The LORD will use all that you face in life to refine your character so you may become more like Jesus, fruitful for His glory, and learning to walk willingly and faithfully with Him.  Like Jethro, the LORD will also use other leaders in your life and help shape you to be an even better leader. With the Spirit’s guidance, you too will be satisfied!

LORD, please help me to submit to your training in my life.  Use my circumstances and challenges to shape my character, develop my skills, deepen my trust – make me more like Jesus. I know that true satisfaction comes from following You and Your path for my life.  Thank You for the privilege of being Your disciple! Amen. 

Take Action 

Think the people in your life. Do you know of capable leaders that you can challenge to step up in leadership? Pray for this person, and ask the LORD how you can challenge this person to take the next step.  

If you are looking for new opportunities to lead, try Treasure: Jesus is Worth Everything in your church! The last session in this training series is designed to encourage other people to step up and lead their own small group! 

Related: Because I Said So! Leadership expert Ryan Walter’s thoughts on leadership.

Tags: leadership satisfaction