Do you have a heart for youth? We currently have a shortage of female mentors for young people. This could be your opportunity to change lives.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3

Hopelessness is a terrible thing. Without hope energy wanes. Despair sets in.  

An “invisible fence” develops that limits us and over time becomes a prison from which escape seems impossible.

Dr. Jerome Groopman, a cancer specialist at Harvard Medical School, suffered disabling back pain that resisted treatment. Losing hope of recovery, he became trapped behind the “invisible fence.” In his book, The Anatomy of Hope, he records how recovering a sense of hope after nineteen years of suffering enabled him to step past the fence, begin new treatment, and find his way back to increased mobility.

The Apostle Peter tells us that we have a “living hope.” This hope is guaranteed to us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. No matter our condition, we have a great future!

This “living hope” overflows powerfully into our present. Circumstances may limit us but never imprison us. Our “living hope” becomes a “hope for living.” We go forward with expectation, purpose, faith and love.

“Living hope” includes having a positive attitude, but it is not “the power of positive thinking.” It is confidence that at every moment our lives belong to the God and Father who has shown “great mercy” toward us. We step over the “invisible fence” of despair and take action. The “joy of the Lord” becomes our strength.

Will hope heal sickness? Some research suggests it may help, but, far more importantly, hope in Christ can heal our lives today – and forever!

Lord, fill me with the living hope of faith in Jesus, the Savior who loved me and rose from the dead to guarantee for me eternal life. Amen.  

Take Action

Is there some way in which lack of hope is limiting you from doing what you can or should? Place your faith in the Lord, and step over that invisible fence today.

If hope feels far off, we’d love to pray with you today.

Tags: Hope