I have a Fit-Bit watch. One of its features is that it vibrates at 10 minutes to the hour, encouraging me to stand up and move to get more steps in and when I do, it celebrates my achievement! Perhaps you know what this is like.

I always have a choice whether to respond to its gentle nudge. Sometimes, I confess that I really don’t care and I ignore its encouragement. It is just not convenient to stand up right then. (I already know that I am a “couch potato” by nature!)

This morning, God gave me the words “Stand and See” as a focus for 2024. As I mulled over why, I decided to look up these words in the BIble and consider examples of people who stood and then saw God at work.

Jehoshaphat is one of my favorite people in the Bible. He faced so many challenges, but did so with faith. God encouraged him with the words in today’s verse, asking him only to “stand firm and see” God’s deliverance from his enemies.

Here is what God told him:

You will not have to fight this battle. I can feel overwhelmed by the sense that I do not have the energy to even stand up, let alone fight my enemies, so what a relief for Jehoshaphat this must have been.

Take up your position. One of prayer? We often want to do something about what we are facing, but taking a position of prayer allows God to fight the battle for us.

Do not be afraid. I am often afraid, and have claimed the theme, “no more fear” for past New Year’s resolutions. (Still working on this!)

Do not be discouraged. To be honest, I am often discouraged because I do not see the answers to prayer that I want to see, and even coming into this New Year, I sometimes feel like giving up on those prayer requests, not sure that anything will ever change.

Go out and face them. Jehoshaphat had to face his enemies head-on, not just cower in the safety of his palace. We have spiritual enemies that threaten us daily, and we have to face them in God’s strength, relying on his promises.

God’s promise to Jehoshaphat was that he would be with him. God will be with you, no matter what you face. But you can’t hide out in your bed or sit around like a couch potato. No, we all need to stand up (and keep standing) to see God’s answers to our prayers in 2024!

So, back to my Fit-Bit. Since I am not motivated to stand up in order to get a certain number of steps in this year, perhaps I should stand up in prayer at 10 minutes to the hour, believing that I will see God fighting my battle against fear in this New Year, choosing to be encouraged, knowing that God is with me! Will you join me in standing firm and seeing God’s deliverance?

Father God, thank you for being with me, no matter what. Please help me to “stand firm and see” what you will do in 2024. Thank you for fighting my battles for me. Please help me to face my enemies with your help. Amen.

For Today: What part of God’s message to Jehoshaphat do you need to claim today? Feel free to join me in standing and seeing what God will do in 2024!

Tags: courage courageous faith 2 Chronicles 20