I love the little caveat Luke inserts into the genealogy of Jesus. Everyone thought Jesus to be the son of Joseph. Why wouldn’t they? As Mary’s husband, Joseph raised Jesus as if he were his own son. Perfectly natural thinking. But Joseph knew better. So did Mary. They readily accepted their part in God’s supernatural plan — a plan that extended far beyond their understanding and surpassed anything anyone could have imagined.

How about us? Will we limit our thoughts to what is perfectly natural or open our minds to things that can only be explained through a supernatural God? The gospel of Luke challenges our way of thinking.

Jesus’ birth was like any other man’s … so it was thought (Luke 3:23).

The leper would live a life of isolation … so it was thought (Luke 5:13).

The paralytic would never walk again … so it was thought (Luke 5:25).

Jesus died. It was over … so it was thought (Luke 24:6).

Let’s not allow our faith to get comfortable by dismissing God’s supernatural work as something that only occurred in the past. Consider whether or not you’re entertaining any “so it’s thought” ideas today such as:

This marriage can’t be saved … so it’s thought.

My teenager is a lost cause … so it’s thought.

My life has no worth … so it’s thought.

Don’t buy into what everyone else thinks. If your thought life conforms to what seems “perfectly natural,” it’s time to rethink. As a child of God, take up a new thought pattern. The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in you.

May your thinking reflect that truth more and more!

Father, help us not limit ourselves to “so it was thought” thinking. Help us make room for your supernatural work in our lives. Amen.

Go Deeper — Romans 8:28 says,“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Is there anything in your life you feel God cannot possibly work for your good?

Tags: The Gospel of Luke Luke 3