Ever believed in something so completely to be from God?

I did. Over a decade ago, I fully trusted I was face-to-face with my future. Armed with tenacious determination, I wholeheartedly pursued the object of my libido.

All my time and energy went into the construction of my future kingdom, in spite of red flags springing up around me. My heart had become deceptive and I didn’t recognize it in time.

The hunger to be loved was so blindingly strong, I failed to notice cracks in my palatial brick walls. Slowly, yet methodically, my castle was reduced to rubble and I, a crumpled mess face down on a cold laminate floor. It was a while before my seething misery broke the silence, yelling, “Are you satisfied?”, and sobbing ensued.

I wasn’t at all — and for the entirety of my divinely false chase that spanned more than ten years. Even as a devoted Christian, my misplaced dissatisfaction had resulted in fanciful delusions.

Today, I’m happy that not only did I take away valuable revelations from my devastating heartbreak, but it also drove me back into the arms of God. The main thing is the main thing again. I no longer hunger for pursuits outside of God’s reach and, in him, I am fully satisfied.

As Christians, we can become unappeasable in life, especially when we hunger for anything greater than the Lord. Let us keep the main thing front-and-center, allowing God to be the only one to satisfy us.

Heavenly Father, it’s taken me a long time to finally get to you. Even though I thought I was doing things right all along. It’s incomprehensible how long suffering you have been with me, all in an effort that I would appreciate my relationship with you even more. I am truly grateful to have you as the center of my life again. Keep me on this straight, narrow path that holds the best outcome in your hands. I love and praise your mighty name. Amen.

Throughout This Day: Ask the Lord to protect you from all temptation and to keep you wholly satisfied in him.

Tags: Daily Devotional Psalm 17
Photo Credit: Bogdan Zavialov on Unsplash