I am not a gardener, but I have often wished I was. I love the idea of growing things, digging in the dirt, planting seeds and watching them flourish. I want to look at flowers and vegetables with pride, knowing that I played a part in their growth and existence. However, my track record speaks volumes. When I was a teen, I decided to pull weeds and water the plants in front of our house. I watered faithfully and investigated. Little to my knowledge, I had been watering a wild onion! Furthermore, I cared for the philodendron I inherited from my grandmother for about a year until I, regrettably, forgot about it and gave up.

No, I don’t have a green thumb. Nonetheless, this year, I felt the urge to try again. My plan was to grow some yellow squash. I mentioned this to my dad and he kindly reminded me that I have my grandparents’ memorial garden to think about first. I have been doing my best in the past few weeks to give this little piece of ground love and care. The squash seeds will have to wait.

I am glad that when it comes to growing in the Lord, he helps me tend to the garden of my heart. I prayerfully take in the sunshine of his word and the nourishing rain of his voice. He lovingly nurtures my soul and helps me relate with myself and others in a way that brings forth fruit.

I recently learned that the boxwoods in my grandparents’ memorial garden have contracted a fungus. As I care for them, I hope and pray that their roots are healthy and I will not have to uproot and start over. I pray that also for my own life, that every day, I will be rooted and grounded in the truth of God’s word despite worldly distractions. Let us live to be deeply rooted in God’s love, so that no matter what comes our way, our hearts’ garden will stand strong.

Dear Father, thank you for things that grow. They remind us of your growth in and through us. As we care for our gardens and house plants this spring, or simply wish we could, help us to seek you to feed and water our own souls. Root and ground us in your love. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Throughout this day: Do you have a gardening project this year? How can it remind you to be rooted in Christ’s love?

Tags: Ephesians 3
Photo Credit: Sergey Shmidt