This story intrigues me. The story of the affluent Shunammite widow, described in 2 Kings 4:8–37, is one of hospitality personified. She was also rewarded by God with a child who died and then was restored. This was a woman who had seen God's power on display. When the Lord declared a famine in the land, Elisha told this woman and her family to move to Philistine territory for seven years. During those years, there are no mentions regarding her life or whereabouts.

After the famine ended, she returned with the purpose of pleading with the King to return her land and home. I love how the Lord directs the steps of his people because Gehazi mentioned her narrative to the King right as she was walking in. It was not a coincidence; it was a divinely appointed moment. God was going to perform a miracle, and he had perfectly placed the people at the right place to birth his plan for this family.

The Shunammite woman was given instructions and as a result of her obedience, she was preserved and restored. To navigate our lives successfully, we must follow God's directions. Our God, the King of Kings, has a clear vision for our life and what he plans to achieve through us. Be encouraged, adjust your lenses, and you will see all the miracles clearly; God is still working, changing lives and situations.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for giving me hope again through the Shunammite woman's life story. Please give me the confidence to believe that all will work out as long as I hold onto hope – that your will, purpose, and plan for my life and family is good and will give us a hope and a future.

Throughout this Day: Do you believe in miracles? Let this wonderful song from Elevation Worship and Maverick City remind you of God’s goodness.

Tags: 2 Kings 4
Photo Credit: Sergey Shmidt