Jesus did not despise me when I yelled at my children. He delivered me from controlling anger. He also set me free from enslaving lust. How has Jesus made God the Father known to you?

When you see Jesus talking and acting in the gospels, do you realize you are seeing who the Father truly is? His nature, kindness, and compassion are shown towards very needy people like us. He doesn’t turn away from you when you have been giving your “love” to all the wrong people, like the woman at the well in Samaria (John 4:18). Jesus is the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15). He has pulled back the curtain on the mystery of the almighty God of the universe. This God is not merely a man as was the tricky Wizard of Oz. Our God is all powerful, yet all loving. He could squish us, like a bug underfoot, but he chooses to save us. He could be living afar off, but he decided to live inside us through his Spirit. He could put us on hold, but we never get a busy signal when we call him. Wonderful Saviour!

Jesus wants us to know Daddy God so well that we are filled to overflowing with his love in our hearts. Don’t be content with just knowing God’s love in your head. That was me for decades. I didn’t feel his love in my heart. A lot of garbage and baggage was in the way. A lot of lies obscured the truth. God loves Jesus unconditionally. God loves us unconditionally in the same way he loves Jesus Christ, his beloved son in whom he is well pleased. (John 17:22-23, Matthew 3:17)

If you don’t believe in your heart that God loves you, pray the following:

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for making Daddy God known to your disciples and to me. Thank you for continuing to make him known to me so that Daddy’s love for you may be in me, and you, Jesus, may be in me. This is so amazing. Help me to receive the truth of your love in my heart today.

Throughout this Day: Listen to this song called “We are One”

based on John 17.

Click here for audio version of this devotional.

Tags: John 17
Photo Credit: Sergey Shmidt