When I think about what sustains my own life, I look to my relationship with the Lord. Without him, I would be nothing. I would try to do things in my own strength and fail, and I would be lost for eternity. I rely greatly on the truths in my Bible.

Many people in the world are not as blessed. They do not have a Bible of their own. A book called “Surrounded By Angels” is the true account of Andre Morea who took Bibles behind the Iron Curtain in the 1960s. I have friends who are preparing to join Wycliffe Bible Translators in order to help bring Bibles to the Bible-less. They are a missionary family of seven.

Not everyone is called to leave their country in order to be a missionary giving out Bibles, but we are all called to be lights of hope. I can be a missionary right where I live. There are folks around me who do not know the creator God.

You and I may be the only "Bible" folks read. Our words and actions are so essential in our witness. The Lord promises to guide us, through the Holy Spirit, as we reach out to satisfy the needs of others, and his Word is to be our source of continual supply. When our message and messenger are the same, the integrity of our hearts exemplifies our Lord.

We are his ambassadors to proclaim his good news of salvation and eternal life with him. Our testimony of his light shines brightest in the darkest of hearts when we, the authentic followers of Christ, reach out to those who are afflicted and lost.

Father, I ask you to show us where you are at work that we might join you. Help us to be sensitive to the needs of others, and always looking for ways that we can reach out to others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Go Deeper — They say a candle loses nothing by lighting another one. Pray about ways you can light other’s darkness, especially in this uncertain time.

Read Further — Rick Warren discusses 10 Spiritual Questions non-believers often ask and how to address them.

Tags: Missions Isaiah 58
Photo Credit: Priscilla Dupreez