This scripture reveals to us what it looks like to love God's way. Tests are essential in life to measure one’s level of growth. Just as a student needs to write tests to measure their level of understanding; likewise, we will encounter situations or people for the purpose of measuring whether we are truly growing in the love of God.

In light of the scripture above, we should ask ourselves honestly:

Am I patient and kind to people? Am I envious, boastful, and proud? Do I dishonor others? Am I self-seeking? Am I easily angered? Do I keep record of wrongs? Do I rejoice with the truth or delight in evil? Do I protect? Trust? Hope? Persevere always?

The answers to these questions reveal where we need God’s help to grow in love.

It’s important to remember that love is a fruit of the Spirit; it’s not something we can manufacture on our own. We cannot love people God’s way in our own ability. Love grows as we yield to the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. It’s his fruit, so we need him to produce it in our lives.

Lord, help me to yield to you everyday in fellowship and communion, so that the fruit of love can be evident and abound in my life. Amen.

Today's Challenge: Are there people around you that are difficult to love? Make up your mind with the help of the Holy Spirit to practically show them God's love the next time you see them. Put this verse up somewhere where you can see it and pray it for a week: May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you (1 Thessalonians 3:12).

Tags: Love 1 Corinthians 13
Photo Credit: Luis Quintero on Unsplash