What went through your mind when you first realized the pandemic was a legitimate concern? Was it fear? Anxiety? Courage? Strength? Perhaps you even wanted to help out.

I didn’t think much about the pandemic until I read the stories of the Italians filling up beds in hospitals, many not recovering. When I heard they were dying alone, I was mortified. Imagine being alone and lost in your final moments on earth. How horrific.

I wanted to do something to help out and felt like my only option was to volunteer. Obviously I couldn’t go overseas to help out. The voice of reason, from a friend, reminded me that there was another and just as equally effective choice. The best way to serve when I can’t physically be there is through prayer.

We tend to want to act first when crises come. We hurriedly run into saving the day with our actions. But that’s not how Christians should react. Our first reaction should be to pray. We often forget just how powerful prayer is.

Prayer can change everything. Our God can move mountains with our prayers, which are just as important as anything we can do. God wants us to take the time to pray for those out there on the frontlines, mostly lost individuals with no hope of eternal life. Would you join me in praying for these people? After all, it’s the best way to serve!

Dear Lord, please help me to recognize the importance of prayer as service to you. Let my prayers be acceptable to you. Amen.

Go Deeper — Take some time to pray daily for those around us in need of the Savior, especially those on the frontlines of fighting this virus.

Tags: mission 1 John 5 COVID-19
Photo Credit: Bernard Hermant