I had never been a children’s pastor before, but when our church was in need of someone to begin to take over the children’s ministry, I believed that God was calling me to step out in faith and apply for the job, even though I still had 4 children of my own living at home! I had no idea what lay ahead of me, and it’s probably good that I didn’t know all of the changes that were heading my way!

It was a wild ride! I had just nicely settled into my new position when our church hired a new senior pastor to replace the pastor that I knew and loved, who was retiring. As a transition began to happen, and major changes occurred in a speedy manner, I became very afraid! Not only was I learning a new role, but I wasn’t prepared for the staff changes and new initiatives that occurred in a short period of time.

This new pastor realized that his changes were “rocking my boat” and causing me to become stressed, so he wrote me a letter with 2 Timothy 1:7 as the theme. I still remember his encouragement to not give in to fear, but to claim the power, love and sound mind that God had given me.

It turned out that I had taken on too much responsibility for that time in my life, so I did not stay very long (about 18 months) in the children’s pastor role before God called someone else to take the lead, I have often been reminded that I have a daily choice to choose God’s power, love and wisdom (sound mind) over the paralyzing nature of fear!

Father God, thank you for this reminder that you have not given me the spirit of fear, but the Spirit of power, love and wisdom! I claim all the resources of Your Spirit today, and ask that you will take away my fear. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Throughout this day: Is fear taking over your life today? Remember how much God loves you, and choose to accept the gift of His Spirit’s resources, whatever challenge you are facing. Let go of fear, breathing out all of its negativity, and breathe in the Spirit’s power, love and wisdom!

Tags: Godly Influences 2 Timothy 1 power Love Mind