Isaiah’s words predict the Messiah: Jesus of Nazareth.

The above verses give us much to meditate on. In them we find descriptions of the Messiah’s character and actions. Chew on these attributes of Jesus. Don’t breeze over them, quickly swallowing them whole. Instead, savor the goodness.

The Spirit of wisdom and understanding. Jesus knows all things. Nothing surprises Him. Nothing confuses Him. His comprehension far exceeds any other person who ever lived or ever will live.

The Spirit of counsel and might. Jesus knows our thoughts and see our motives, even when we don’t. He knew earth’s history before the world began. Jesus created all things, healed the sick, forgave sins, calmed the storm, and raised the dead. Nature bows before His power.

The Spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord. As God Himself, Jesus possesses infinite power and knowledge, yet He humbly submits to the Father’s will.

Unlike sinful humans, Jesus won’t make decisions based on appearance or judgments that rely on hearsay (Isaiah 11:3). Instead, all His assessments are completely righteous and just and He clothes Himself with righteousness and faithfulness (11:4-5). Nothing impure, false or prejudiced ever comes from Him.

When we spend time pondering the power and wisdom of our Messiah, our problems begin to shrink. Because nothing and no one is greater than Jesus, and because He is good and just, we can find peace regardless of our circumstances.

Jesus, our Savior and Messiah, we worship for who you are: Almighty, wise and holy. You are righteous and just, faithful and true. Amen.

Go Deeper — Take any of the Scripture verses above that speaks of God’s character and turn it into a meditative prayer. Consider what the attribute means and how you’ve seen that attribute at work in Scripture and in your life. Thank God for that aspect of His character. Invite Him to speak that quality into a specific area of your life.

Tags: Isaiah Isaiah 11
Photo Credit: Sergey Shmidt