I remember, as a child, being fascinated watching a professional plate spinner. He had a series of poles lined up on which he would balance a plate and then start it spinning. He would start one, then another, all the time going back to the previous ones to keep them spinning. At some point he would reach his limit and a plate or two would come crashing down.

Have you ever felt that way, like you have multiple plates spinning all at once, and you have to keep going back to keep them all spinning? Two dynamics lead to this feeling in my life. The first is when I’m over-committed. I keep saying “yes” to requests, adding without subtracting.

The second is when I focus on what others might be expecting of me. Sometimes there are so many opinions that I get distracted from what I’m seeking to accomplish. Then I end up with a pile of unhelpful thoughts like, “What do they think of me?” or “How am I performing?” These insecurities distract and rob me of the joy I should be feeling over what God is doing in and through mee.

I find Paul’s words very encouraging, that I can do all things through Christ’s strength!

Someone once asked me, “Who do you think is better at living the Christian life, you or Jesus?” Of course, the right answer is Jesus! The reason we need Jesus is that we can’t do it on our own! No matter how talented I am in any area, I need to choose to live in the power of Christ’s strength.

Back to plate spinning… Just because there is the promise that I can do all things in Christ’s strength, it doesn’t mean I should take on every opportunity or try to meet everyone’s expectations. What if I focused on pleasing God in each situation rather than the crowd around me? God is the ultimate audience, and he doesn’t ask me to do more than I am able to accomplish in his strength.

Jesus, thank you that I can do all things through your strength at work in my life! Help me to listen to the Spirit’s guidance in what I choose to do and in how I choose to do each task, remembering that you are my audience,and the only one that I need to please. Amen.

Throughout This Day: Are you tired of trying to spin too many plates for the audience of people around you? Maybe you need to let some plates fall, as you reevaluate whether God is asking you to do less, and to rely on his strength in whatever he calls you to do. Prayerfully ask God to show you what he wants you to do, and then resolve to do all things through Christ’s strength, for him alone!

Tags: Daily Devotional Philippians 4
Photo Credit: CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash