In the wilderness you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.” Deuteronomy 1:31

The wilderness. Wild, inhospitable, parched, and dangerous, it’s not a place to visit alone or a place many choose to visit. And yet, sometimes, we find ourselves in a wilderness, far from our place of comfort, longing for the end of the difficult journey, perhaps wondering if there even is an end.

Life is hard in the wilderness. Perhaps you have been cast into a wilderness by some unforeseen event of life: loss of a job, death of a loved one, or a betrayal of trust. Perhaps you have found yourself living there as a result of one disappointment after another wearing you down and draining away your energy and joy.

You can feel terribly alone in the wilderness, but I want to assure you today that you are not alone—even in that barren place. In today’s verse, Moses reminds the Israelites that God was with them in wilderness. Yes, there were moments when they felt abandoned, but the truth is that in the wilderness their Heavenly Father “carried them” in His loving arms, like a Father “carries his son.”

God had proven Himself faithful to them. He carried them “all the way” to the edge of the Promised Land, and He will prove Himself faithful to you, too. Your way may be long, but He will bring you to the end. It may be dry, but he will feed the thirst of your soul. It may be frightening, but He will hold you in His arms in the face of all enemies.

He is not only our Father in green pastures but also in dry valleys and even in that dark valley where death casts its shadow. It is those places most specially, that our Father in Heaven carries us in His arms as a parent carries a precious child.

Father, my wilderness is difficult, and I have grown weary. Lift me in Your arms and carry me the next steps of the way. Help me to see Your loving kindness even in this empty place and bring me to the edge of a new land where I can be refreshed and celebrate Your goodness with renewed joy. Amen. 

Take Action

Trust your fear and concern to God in the most specific way you can today. Place yourself in His arms. The journey may not be over yet, but you are under His care and He is taking you to a new and better place.

There’s an oasis in the desert!