George Müller (1805-1898) was a missionary, evangelist, and coordinator of orphanages in Bristol, England. He never asked for money from anyone. Through prayer and faith, he cared for more than 10,000 orphaned children. He often recorded the miracles upon miracles that the Lord performed before his eyes. One of the most notable he recorded in his journal is:

“One morning, all the plates and cups and bowls on the table were empty. There was no food in the larder and no money to buy food.”

Can you imagine? You have no food and no money. You have hungry children depending on you to meet their needs. How would you react in this situation?

I wouldn’t have probably acted with such calm assurance that the Lord would provide — but instead of giving into his earthly flesh, which no doubt questioned how in the world he’d feed these children, Muller did something incredible. He trusted God and thanked him for the food he would provide for them to eat.

He didn’t question whether God would provide; he already knew in his heart and believed the Lord would provide. No questions asked. And God did that day — through the generosity of a baker and a milkman.

This is a great illustration of how the Lord wants us to trust him. No reservations or over-thinking — just pure childlike trust. In today’s world, stress is the number one killer. What would happen if you gave your worries today to God, who could handle them so much better than you ever could?

Lord, I thank you for your hand in (insert situation) and I ask that you will cultivate within me a heart of faith like that of George Muller. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Go Deeper — Today, give one thing (or all of your worries!) to God and let him do what he does best. It can be hard, and I know that you may perhaps be tempted to try and control your worries, but turn to God instead.

Tags: Trust & Obey Proverbs 3
Photo Credit: Bruno Nascimento