I have been a dad for 15 years now and I became a member of the dad jokes club. So here goes. Clears throat. I don’t let my kids listen to Big Band music. Why? Too much sax and violins. Ba dum tsss. That was my band joke.

I love Big Band music. The harmony, the togetherness. Think about a huge marching band. You don’t hear one person, you hear the band. I always believe that this is the ultimate goal that Jesus has for us. Think about the human body. If one part of the body fails, no matter how small, it can have catastrophic consequences. 

No matter how insignificant you may feel one day, you are just as important to God as the Pastor of a megachurch or your favorite worship leader. They have very visible parts to play. You may just hand out programs at church or greet people at the door. But in God’s eyes, we are all part of the band and we make one sound. We are all tasked to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. He didn’t say make a beautiful noise; we must make it joyful. We might be the only bible someone may see. So, let’s remember that they don’t hear us, they hear the band. We are all in this together.

_Dear heavenly Father, thank you for reminding me that no matter how insignificant I might feel, I am a part of your Kingdom and you value and love me. Help me to never feel like I am above or below anyone else and that we are all one band in your eyes. In Jesus’ name, amen. _

Throughout This Day: Thank God often for the important and unique part he has given you to play in his plan for this world.

Tags: Daily Devotional Romans 14
Photo Credit: Illustration by Kristy McCormack